
At Slated Row, we are lucky to have a Speech and Language Therapy Team that are fully integrated into the school, supporting our provision at all levels and working side by side with classroom staff and parents. 

Their work provides a framework for the extensive range of therapy approaches used across the school. These include but are not limited to Lego Therapy, Intensive Interaction, Attention Autism, Talk-about, Socially Speaking, Low and High Tech AAC’s, Sensory Integration Therapy and also a range of social and emotional regulation supports.

The team provides regular training, liaison and joint working with teaching staff and parents to advise on relevant skills and provide resources where appropriate.

Speech & Language Therapy

We recognise that each student is a unique individual; however, the underlying difficulty for every Slated Row student lies in the area of communication.  We therefore provide an environment where spoken language is clear and precise and, where appropriate, augmentative or alternative strategies are used to enable non-verbal learners to understand and communicate successfully, enabling them to respond and interact to their full capacity. These might include the use of objects of reference, representational objects, photographs, symbols or written words according to the individual needs of the child.  We use the SCERTS model (Social Communication Emotional Regulation Transactional Support) as a framework to support our students.

The speech and language therapists work closely with the occupational, art and movement therapists to support the child’s communication development and emotional regulation/wellbeing. 

Universal S&LT Provision

Specialist S&LT Provision

The speech and language therapists carry out specialist assessments and provide highly individualised programmes for children referred through a provision meeting, as well as meeting EHCP requirements. 

Some children require assessment and in the first instance specialist intervention, to implement high tech alternative augmentative communication (AAC) systems such as iPads using a communication app.

Meet the Team

Charmine Tearle

Speech & Language Therapist

Rhian Tompkins

Speech & Language Assistant

Laura Black 

Speech & Language Therapist

Suzanne Butler

Speech & Language Therapist

Kelly Portal

Speech & Language Assistant

Targeted S&LT Provision

Access to speech and language programmes designed by SALT and implemented by support staff, focusing on play, language, interaction and social skills.

Joint working with support staff to enable them to carry out specific activities on a daily basis in small group activities.