School Self Evaluation

Our school evaluation summary (below) takes into account a wide range of data and the analysis of the data and subsequent planning is a strength of the leadership, click here for more information.

2023/24 SRS Self Evaluation Form

Grants & premiums

External evaluations & data

Please note that the DfE Performance Tables and Standardised Testing are not an applicable performance measure for students with significant SEND.

Evaluated Improvement Plans

The following are evaluated school improvement plans since the last Ofsted Inspection:

Stakeholder views

Gathering the views of our stakeholders is essential to evaluation and planning for future develops. We look to gather views in a number of ways, including annual surveys. 

Pupil surveys are completed with the pupils and we try to elicit the pupil voice wherever possible, using symbols and pictures to support. We also have a 'Student Voice' who represent their peers to the Senior Team and the Governing Body. 

Parent/Carer surveys are collected each year, as well as parent/carer meetings where they are able to share their ideas and thoughts. Please see 'Parent/Carers' page.   

An annual questionnaire is conducted for all staff and like the pupil and parents surveys shared with governors, analysed and use in both evaluating the school and in the planning of improvements. 

Past evaluations / outcome reports

The following are pupil outcome reports since the last Ofsted Inspection of the school, note this information in later years is included in the new format School Self Evaluation Form starting 2021/22: