Vision, Ethos & Values

Our promise to our students of Slated Row School is to uphold the values and principles stated in the ethos and vision below:

Our Vision

At Slated Row School our vision is for every student to see that they are a valued member of our community. We aim to inspire all students to be independent young adults who have aspirations to achieve their dreams. 

Our Ethos

Slated Row is a school built on hope, dignity and respect where everybody is valued and treated as an individual. We believe that everyone has the right to success and for that success to be celebrated. We have a professional approach to education whilst keeping a family feel. Our school community is built on restorative principles which encourage good behaviour and a positive attitude to learning.

Our Values 

Our students are…






Ensuring that our students are always HEARD 

"Slated Row School is a strong, supportive community. All staff who work in this school

show tremendous care for every pupil. Parents are very supportive. Pupils say they like

coming to school because staff are always kind, listen to them and understand their

needs so well. This enables pupils to feel safe, happy and valued." 

Ofsted 2023

“In Slated Row School there is warmth, humour and respect for each individual within a collaborative and restorative learning environment - where relationships are at the heart of student well-being and achievement”

Tom McCready, The Restorative Foundation